Saturday 13 February 2016

its turning cold again


The temperatures have dipped a little here and there is talk of snow although we tend not to see much here in Nottingham.

I've had a few days away from doing anything creative so really don't have anything to show you. I'm still sorting through old photos on the computer and transferring to the new hard drive. I had forgotten some of them and every so often I come across a small batch of pictures which puzzles me as to where they were taken.

I promise that in the future I will be better at labelling things up!!!

Most of my lace books have been removed from the shelf now for a good dust and sort out, I will pop them back before I start on the next one as I really don't want to pull the shelves over on top of me!

One pattern caught mt eye and I may just pop it on the pillow to take out with me. My plan over the next few days is to make sure that I get out for a walk and there are a couple of cafes 1/2 mile or so from here. I'm sure they won't mind a lace maker dropping in on the odd occasion :-)

Having said that, It took my two attempts to get to the bus stop yesterday!.

Have a great weekend :-)

1 comment:

Araignee said...

That's a beautiful pattern. Happy (and safe) travels!